Chelsea Burrows, October 24 2023

Discovering Machu Picchu: Exploring Peru's Ancient Ruins

Exploring the Ancient Ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru, is like stepping back in time. This isn't just another tourist destination. It's an experience that immerses you into a rich historical narrative etched into stone and landscape.

The grandeur of these ruins can leave one awe-struck, not only for their architectural brilliance but also for the sheer tenacity of the human spirit they represent. In every corner, from the Sun Gate to Intihuatana Stone, your exploration of Machu Picchu unravels tales from a civilisation long lost yet alive in its silent stones.

Uncover the secrets of the Inca Empire by venturing to Machu Picchu, Peru's ancient ruins. Tucked away in the lofty Andes Mountains, this UNESCO-listed site has enthralled history lovers and adventurers for over a hundred years.

Hiram Bingham's Discovery

Imagine this: it's 1911, and Hiram Bingham stumbles upon a lost city frozen in time. His discovery brought global attention to this remarkable gem of Inca civilisation. However, there is much more to be discovered in our exploration of this incredible relic of Inca civilisation.

Architectural Marvels

What sets these ruins apart is their intricate architecture. The Incas achieved remarkable precision in their masonry work, withstanding the test of time and harsh weather conditions without the use of mortar. It's truly a testament to their engineering prowess.

Not only does Machu Picchu hold historical significance as an archaeological site from the Inca Empire era, but it also holds the prestigious title of being one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. Its cultural value is undeniable.

However, our journey through history wouldn't be complete without setting foot on these sacred grounds. 

The Journey to Machu Picchu

Setting out on a quest to uncover the concealed marvel of Machu Picchu, tucked away in Peru's Andes Mountains, is an exciting venture that offers two separate pathways. One can either hop aboard a train ride through the Andes or lace up their boots for an exhilarating hike along the Inca Trail.

Opting for the train route whisks you away through Aguas Calientes and provides sweeping views of the Sacred Valley before reaching your final destination perched at over 2,400 meters above sea level.

For those seeking a more immersive experience, why not take on the challenge of hiking along the Inca Trail? There’s no need to rent out a car when you have the option of a scenic train journey or a fantastic hike; you can leave your car and the qualms of driving safely behind at the airport parking in Prestwick.

The Significance of Sun Gate

Taking centre stage is the Sun Gate. Not merely a mere lump of rock, this is something much more. This was their astronomical observatory. It's pretty advanced for its time. Assisted by the seasonal movements of our celestial friend, the Sun, they created a precise Inca calendar. Sun and his solstices and equinoxes antics, they managed to craft an accurate Inca calendar.

"It wasn’t all about farming alpacas or weaving colourful blankets – these folks were seriously switched on."

- A keen observer at Machu Picchu

The Role of Intihuatana Stone

Moving along now to another gem: The sacred Intihuatana Stone. An ordinary rock for us, but it was an important tool for predicting solstices back then. Imagine that kind of knowledge centuries ago.

The Role of Knowledgeable Guides in Enhancing Your Experience

Before you start your journey, we recommend using a reputable guide to enhance the experience. A skilled guide does more than point out interesting features or narrate historical facts; they connect the dots between the past and present while revealing how Andean communities lived centuries ago.

This connection brings alive what otherwise would be mere ruins. It helps visitors appreciate not only the architectural brilliance but also the cultural richness of those times – making every moment spent at Machu Picchu count.


Unravelling the mysteries of Machu Picchu is a journey like no other. This ancient Inca city, lost in time, speaks volumes about the human spirit and architectural brilliance. Delve into its history, walk through key landmarks, and understand their significance in the grand scheme of Inca civilisation.

The trip to this hidden gem nestled high in Peru's Andes Mountains is an adventure in itself, whether you choose to travel by train or hike the legendary Inca Trail. Alongside the historical marvels, you'll also experience breathtaking landscapes surrounding this citadel, which stands as a testament to humanity's resilience against nature's odds.

In short, exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu is not just about visiting an archaeological site; it's immersing yourself in a rich tapestry woven with tales from the past.

Start planning your visit to Machu Picchu today and turn your dream journey into a reality.

Written by

Chelsea Burrows

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